Meet Darwin!

Hi there, welcome to my blog, The Backcountry Cowgirl. This is where passion for the outdoors and horses meets arts, career, finance, and the pursuit of happiness.

Dusty trails on Dusty

I am starting this blog because I am an all around person and figure that maybe I will have something to share from what I’ve been learning along this journey of life.

I’m starting it at this point in my life because I’m going through some major changes that lead me into a lot Corners of the universe:

  • Started a high paying career and can afford all the luxuries I worked so hard for. (Luxuries means horses and adventures into the backcountry). I am examining the costs and benefits of a stressful work environment and what it means to be a healer in an often sick culture.
  • I am in pursuit of purchasing a home. With that comes finances, budgeting,  and MORE lifestyle questions.
  • Recently purchased a new horse. He is a 9 year old quarter horse who I have been on a fitness bent with. He was very deconditioned when I got him but we are relentlessly pursuing fitness, health and wellness goals.
  • I am an artist at heart. I draw, paint, mold, fix and create as a form of passion.  This is a good venue for me to express and share my ideas, insights and inspirations.
  • Product reviews: Much like Robert Pirsig of Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance,  I value quality over quantity.  I put products through the ringer and hope my reviews give you helpful  and trustworthy information.

Thank you for taking a look at my blog. I hope you enjoy it!

A backcountry cowgirl spotted! Resting in her natural environment.

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