9.14.23 Hibernatin’ Season is coming Quick!

[Disclaimer: author has been binge-listening to the Lonesome Dove audiobook prior to this submission]

[Pro-tip: to best enjoy this post, read it in your head as if it is Lonesome Dove]

Mid-September now and it’s possible to get snow any time from now to December, depending on what the clouds and mountains and wind and sun decide to do when they get together.

The shortening days are driving my instinctual prep-for-hibernation drive here ’round the ‘ranch’…

I feel like that Virgo sun of mine is in full swing… hell, I even soap-washed the dust pans yesterday! And of course, all the daily chores can’t be forgotten— which include all the care that comes with e malama all the furry and feathery beasts too.

But before I get you feeling too bad for me with all this soporific wailing and hawing, how about A THRIFT FIND!

I happened upon this sweet standing lamp at the local ReStore and it was buuusted up! The glass shade looked like it had been beautiful before it was shattered–tho’ there weren’t many shards remaining to judge that from. The bulb was broken along with the hardware that attaches the shade and bulb socket to the lamp itself too.

Pretty ratchet, but I got it because all the cords looked fine and the step-on-floor-switch (technical terminology) also appeared intact.

I found a pretty, orange glass shade that don’t look too dissimilar from those Himalayan salt-lick lights and thought the combo could look nice and cozy in the corner with my rocking chair. (Rocking chair stories! Shout out to my friends at Roads Are for Journeys motorcycle and adventure magazine!)

I brought it home and realized it was a slightly bigger project than I intended to get involved in on a school day with a 12 year old and 2 year old needing to be picked up soon. Long story short: nothing at the small local hardware store would fit so some JERRY RIGGING would be necessary!

It was touch and go for a while but with a flathead screwdriver, a Porcelain little lamp piece (also technical terminology) a little soft-white LED bulb, turns out I fixed a thing! And now I have a nice reading lamp which I’ve been searching far and wide for a months! All for a scrimpy 1500$!!!( that was mostly labor costs, but some parts too.)

I used a ZZ plant to counter-balance the still kinda sketchy floor lamp

All kidding aside, I got the lamp base for 2$ and the shade for another $1. The parts and pieces totaled 15$, including an extra LED bulb. I tested it out tonight and sure enough, it’s Darn Good.

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